Centre de Savoir

Centre de Savoir

En tant que partenaire clinique, nous souhaitons vous donner les moyens d'offrir un environnement plus sûr à votre personnel, de meilleurs résultats en matière de tri des déchets pour un impact environnemental plus faible, et un flux de travail plus efficace. Pour ce faire, nous avons compilé certaines de nos meilleures ressources pour vous aider à assurer la sécurité de la manipulation des objets tranchants et piquants et à optimiser la gestion des déchets biomédicaux dans votre établissement. 

Case Study: 28 Hospital Before and After

The implementation of Daniels Sharpsmart device reduces sharps injuries across 14 hos...

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Medical Waste doesn't have to be ugly

Medical waste and sharps containers can attractively fit into retail environments, pr...

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How Reusable Containers Can Reduce Infection Risks

Safety and infection control are a priority, and our containers can help reduce the r...

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Waste Segregation Matrix for Small Quantity Generators

This educative colour-coded waste matrix outlines correct containers and contents for...

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Sharps Waste Disposal

What can be disposed of in a sharps container that is safe for the Ecoship program....

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Ecoship Mailer Flyer

This flyer gives an overview of the Ecopship material your facility can order and how...

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How to Eliminate Sharps Containers Overfilling

In busy healthcare settings across Canada, sharps containers continuously overfill. B...

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Biomedical Waste Management Tips and Guidelines for Langley, British Columbia

It's important for Langley healthcare to follow these biomedical waste guidelines.

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