"En adoptant un collecteur Daniels Sharpsmart, 
Les blessures par objets tranchants liées aux contenants 
ont été réduites de 86,6 %"

Étude évaluée par les pairs publiée dans l'American Journal of Infection Control



L'innovation qui sauve des vies

  • On estime à 20 000 le nombre de travailleurs de la santé qui ont été sauvés de blessures par piqûre d'aiguille depuis le lancement du contenant pour objets tranchants et piquants Sharpsmart
  • 5 études évaluées par des pairs ont été publiées, démontrant et validant le Sharpsmart de Daniels comme un "dispositif de sécurité" éprouvé;
  • Un nombre incalculable d'études de cas au Canada et en Amérique du Nord sur les risques d'infection et de sécurité minimisés





A travers cinq études évaluées par des pairs et publiées dans des revues renommées, et des centaines d'études de cas faisant état d'une réduction significative des blessures par piqûre d'aiguille et du risque d'infection grâce à l'utilisation du contenant pour objets tranchants Sharpsmart et d'autres produits de déchets médicaux conçus par Daniels, Daniels Santé s'est affirmée comme l'une des entreprises les plus novatrices en matière de sécurité dans le secteur des soins de santé. Les résultats de l'étude de cas révèlent:


What would happen if you put ‘Safety, Infection Prevention and Clinical Approach’ at the forefront of healthcare waste?


A. It would dramatically change how we see sharps and clinically defined wastes being collected, stored, touched and transported in healthcare environments. That is what Daniels does… we see things differently, clinically, and with safety at the forefront of everything we do... 


With the direct cost of managing a sharps injury estimated to be up to 5000 CAD per injury, fewer needlestick injuries, minimised infection transfer risk and more efficient biomedical waste and sharps management will help your healthcare facility to lower its overall costs.

'Making Healthcare Safer' is the philosophy that guides Daniels; we are committed to developing the safest, most environmentally friendly products and services available for everyone involved in healthcare. Our products and systems have been developed with extensive input and advice from healthcare workers around the world, including clinicians, safety and health personnel, infection control, EVS managers and support staff such as cleaners and orderlies.


Our primary focus is the reduction of sharps injuries through safer sharps management systems and practices, but our safety approach goes even further. At Daniels we take into account other healthcare worker risks such as the potential for back injuries if collectors or accessories are too heavy or difficult to move, compliance expertise, and waste segregation solutions that minimise risk exposure and infection risks.



Safety at every step


The Sharpsmart system’s performance has been proven in peer-reviewed, evidence-based studies confirming significant sharps injury reductions and is voted “Best System” by healthcare workers.


Daniels Sharpsmart collectors arrived pre-assembled at your healthcare facility in bulk transport units; this eliminates staff time needed for assembly of containers, sharps injury risk from incorrectly assembled containers, and eliminates cardboard packaging.


Sharps containers should be placed as close as possible to the point of sharps generation. Correct placement of collectors is an important part of the success of the Sharpsmart system. A wide range of accessories and mounting options ensures a Sharpsmart collector is where you need it, when you need it.


Many healthcare workers suffer sharps injuries from overfilled sharps containers. Sharpsmart collectors eliminate this risk with their unique, gravity balanced safety tray which eliminates hand-access to contents and automatically closes when the fill-level is reached, thus preventing any chance of overfilling.


When full, Sharpsmart collectors are locked by engaging tamper-proof side locks which cannot be re-opened manually and can only be unlocked during Daniels' robotic wahing process. This security measure eliminates risk of unauthorised access to contents in storage and transport.


Sharpsmart is certified to United Nations PG2 specifications for Transport of Dangerous Goods. No additional packaging is required to transport Sharpsmart collectors on public roads. In transport, Daniels purpose-built transporters ensure collectors are secured, suspended, and free from cross contamination. 


Sharpsmart collectors eliminate over 28% of plastic and cardboard. All collectors are washed through Daniels’ unique robotic Washsmart which ensures safe and effective sanitisation to an extremely high degree of microbiological efficacy with zero harmful chemicals. To reduce water usage, fresh water from later stages of the robotic process is recycled back for earlier-stage use.


At the completion of the Sharpsmart robotic washing process, a final quality control inspection ensures that containers are clean and fully functional. Sharpsmart collectors are made with replaceable parts; any damaged components are removed, sorted, and sent to plastic reprocessing plants to be ground down and recycled.