Centre de Savoir

Centre de Savoir

En tant que partenaire clinique, nous souhaitons vous donner les moyens d'offrir un environnement plus sûr à votre personnel, de meilleurs résultats en matière de tri des déchets pour un impact environnemental plus faible, et un flux de travail plus efficace. Pour ce faire, nous avons compilé certaines de nos meilleures ressources pour vous aider à assurer la sécurité de la manipulation des objets tranchants et piquants et à optimiser la gestion des déchets biomédicaux dans votre établissement. 

Using Waste Audits to drive better healthcare waste segregation

What are the benefits of correctly segregated healthcare waste? Let us show you!!! Co...

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Sharps Waste Segregation Poster

What is Sharps Waste and how is it properly segregated and disposed of? Find out with...

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Safest Height for Wall-Mounted Sharps Containers

At Daniels, we follow the NIOSH guidelines for the mounting height of our sharps cont...

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Our Version of Google Maps

How to get from Street A to Street Z on a website is not always a simple task. Let us...

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'It's Not OK' Event Highlights

We were privileged to sponsor the inaugural 'It's Not OK' event to help tackle the pe...

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Sharps Container Overfilling? No more!

Sharps container overfilling is a significant occupational risk to healthcare workers

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Let's Squeak More

Karen Daley's testimony asks that we look at two things, firstly how can we prevent s...

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Sharpsmart's 'Earth Day' impact on McGill University

McGill University celebrates 'Earth Day' with a review of Sharpsmart's sustainability...

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