Waste Management Solutions for Med Spas

Waste Management Solutions for Med Spas

What You Need to Know About the MonkeyPox Virus

What You Need to Know About the MonkeyPox Virus

What You Need to Know About the Monkeypox Virus

Download this helpful infographic that shows monkeypox symptoms, classifications, how it spreads, and how to prevent infection. 

Best Practices for Surgical Waste Disposal

Best Practices for Surgical Waste Disposal

What Makes the Sharpsmart Container Safe?

What Makes the Sharpsmart Container Safe?

Case Study: 28 Hospital Before and After

Case Study: 28 Hospital Before and After

Medical Waste doesn't have to be ugly

Medical Waste doesn't have to be ugly

How Reusable Containers Can Reduce Infection Risks

How Reusable Containers Can Reduce Infection Risks

Waste Segregation Poster for Small Quantity Generators

Waste Segregation Poster for Small Quantity Generators

Waste Segregation Matrix for Small Quantity Generators

Effective Waste Segregation is an essential step in minimising environmental impact and optimising costs in waste disposal for small quantity generators. This educative healthcare waste matrix outlines correct containers and contents for disposal of all waste streams.