Sharpsmart Handling Poster Root

Sharpsmart Handling Poster Root

Sharpsmart Handling Poster

Contrary to what your instinct may tell you, our reusable Sharpsmart containers do not go into medical waste bins! Download this brief poster to share with your team and encourage proper disposal.

Handwashing Poster

Thoroughly washing your hands is the first line of defense against infection risk and the spread of germs. Download this poster to help promote good hygiene while increasing the safety of both staff and patients.

COVID-19 Waste Handling for Daniels Customers

COVID-19 Waste Handling Processes Poster

A message from our CEO

A message from our CEO


To the Canadian healthcare community

Don't be basic - go reusable

Don't be basic - go reusable

Case Study: Reducing over 50 tons of sharps container waste

Case Study: Reducing over 50 tons of sharps container waste

Common Medical Waste Violations

Common Medical Waste Violations

Tonnes of Plastic Reduced with Reusable Sharps Containers

Tonnes of Plastic Reduced with Reusable Sharps Containers


Authors:   Brett McPherson, Mihray Sharip and Terry Grimmond