
Daniels innovative medical waste products have earned global recognition in the clinical and scientific communities for greatly adding to the safety of healthcare staff and protection of environmental outcomes.

  • Accessories

    Locking Wall Bracket – Right Side Lock

    With a unique key lock, the Sharpsmart container can be securely mounted and locked to the bracket, eliminating unauthorised removal.

  • Accessories

    Wallsmart – 750mm (29.5 in) Wide

    This Sharpsmart mounting system adapts various wall sizes and storage areas to utilise space within a hospital.

  • Accessories

    Wallsmart – 1120mm (44.1 inch) Wide

    This Sharpsmart wall mounting system adapts to various wall sizes for maximum space utilisation.

  • Accessories

    Wallsmart Mini Panel

    This small mountable hook system enables up to 3 Sharpsmart containers to be suspended from the ground for safe and easy accessibility.

  • Accessories

    Bench Bracket – S14

    This bracket solution securely stabilises Daniels S14 containers on a benchtop.

  • Accessories

    Bench Bracket – S22

    This bracket solution securely stabilises S22 Sharpsmart containers on a benchtop.

  • Accessories

    Locking Mountsmart

    A bracket that enables versatile inward or outward mounting of Sharpsmart containers to allow 90 degree lid opening.

  • Accessories

    Accessmart Side Bracket

    Enables dual mounting of an S14 or S22 container to the side of an Accessmart trolley.

  • Accessories

    Standard Cradle – 15mm Mount

    Constructed of non-rust stainless steel, these simple hooks provide upright positioning of Sharpsmart containers.


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