
Daniels innovative medical waste products have earned global recognition in the clinical and scientific communities for greatly adding to the safety of healthcare staff and protection of environmental outcomes.

  • Literature

    Research Study: Sharpsmart – 86% Carbon Emissions Reduction

    This article explores the positive impacts that Sharpsmart had on Winchester & Eastleigh Healthcare NHS Trust.

  • Literature

    PR Study: Medismart impact on Costs

    This study demonstrates the significant impact that the Medismart has had on an Australia hospital’s biomedical waste disposal.

  • Literature

    PR Study: Using Reusable Containers for Hospital Waste

    This study examined international literature and guidelines on the risks of biomedical waste.

  • Literature

    PR Study: Clostridium Difficile

    This study examines the carriage and transmission potential of C. difficile spores on single-use and reusable sharps containers.

  • Safety Devices

    Small Quantity Waste Segregation Matrix

    Download this helpful poster to learn more about how to segregate your waste properly in a small waste quantity facility.

  • Educational Resources

    Simple Waste Segregation Matrix

    This educative poster outlines correct containers and contents for disposal of waste streams.

  • Educational Posters

    Chemotherapy Waste Disposal Poster

    This educative poster outlines correct containers and contents for disposal of waste…


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