
Daniels innovative medical waste products have earned global recognition in the clinical and scientific communities for greatly adding to the safety of healthcare staff and protection of environmental outcomes.

  • Literature

    Biomedical Waste Product Range

    A birds eye view of our industry-leading biomedical waste container and versatile range of biomedical waste bins.

  • Ecoship Mailback

    Ecoship Mailer Flyer

    This flyer gives an overview of the Ecopship material your facility can order and how.

  • Literature

    Rx Destroyer Flyer

    This simple 4-step guide outlines the process of using RX Destroyer in conjunction with the Daniels 64 Pharmasmart collector.

  • Literature

    Utility Suite

    This flyer details the full kit of “bolt on” accessories that are available for the Daniels Accessmart Trolley.

  • Literature

    MRI Cartsmart Flyer

    This flyer introduces Daniels leading MRI engineered trolley designed to facilitate safe sharps disposal in an MRI environment.

  • Literature

    PR Study: Sharps Injuries in USA Healthcare Facilities

    A survey ascertaining Blood Exposure incidence in USA hospitals in 2012.

  • Literature

    PR Study: Sharpsmart Size and Location Impact on SI

    This study documents a 6 year study monitoring the phased conversion to the Daniels Sharpsmart container.

  • Literature

    PR Study: Impact of Engineering on Sharps Injuries

    This study compares the impact of Daniels Sharpsmart container on sharps injuries in 14 hospitals.

  • Literature

    PR Study: Sharpsmart Impact on Sharps Injuries

    This study compares 8 hospitals and the impact Sharpsmart has had on sharps injuries.


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