Ontario Biomedical Waste Disposal

Daniels Health is the leading expert in compliance, clinical containment and environmentally responsible waste management services. Transparent pricing, customised scheduling, immediate cost reduction.

The Daniels Difference

  • We provide biomedical waste containers designed by clinicians for clinicians!
  • All containers sanitised through a world-leading robotic washing / decontamination process.
  • It is our drivers and our trucks that will service your facility, no third party hauler risk
  • We areup front with our costs and transparent with our contracts
  • Scheduling that supports your practice – you pay only for what you need
  • Eliminate disposal-related needlestick injuries with our advanced sharps safety systems
  • Eliminate the purchase, disposal costs and landfill of one-time-use disposable containers


  • Biomedical Waste Services
  • Biomedical Sharps Services
  • Pharmaceutical Waste Services
  • Hazardous Waste Services
  • Onsite and online compliance and education

Biomedical & Biohazardous Waste Disposal in Ontario

Home to the world-renowned Niagara Falls; Ontario is second to Quebec as the largest Province in the Canadian territory. Larger than the countries of France & Spain combined, this region holds 1/5 of the world’s fresh water supply across 250,000 lakes!

The capital, Toronto, is a mélange of many cultural influences. It’s said that over 100 different languages are spoken here, needless to say this makes way for one of the hottest food scenes in the world! Cuisine options include French, Hungarian, Caribbean, Thai, Polish, and Malaysian, to name a few. In the film industry, Toronto is regarded as the 3rd most popular city for television production. American Psycho, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, A Christmas Story, Billy Madison, and Good Will Hunting are some of the quintessential Hollywood blockbusters that filmed in Ontario.

America is to baseball as Spain is to fútbol; Canada’s all-time favorite pass-time? You guessed it, hockey! Wayne Gretzky, nicknamed by NHL fans as “The Great One”, was born in Brantford, Ontario. Between the food, the sports, and the billowing waterfalls, it’s no wonder why Ontario has become such an iconic tourist landmark.

The city of London, Ontario is a regional pioneer of healthcare and sustainability. The University of Western Ontario is a hub for medical and biotech research, paving the road for a sustainable future.

If you needed just one more reason to fall in love with Ontario, in 2007, the local government deemed improving sustainability to be a “core value” of the Province. The Ontario Sustainable Energy Association (OSEA) supports all green initiatives. The Daniels mission would not exist without the pillar of sustainability, and so the story begins.

Biomedical Waste Management with a clinical approach

Daniels was founded as a clinical service provider, with an in depth understanding of the budgetary and logistical pressures our clients face. With years of experience in biomedical waste processing and the safest and cleanest biomedical and sharps container in Canada, we proudly guarantee our clients the following:

  • Ecological treatment of all healthcare waste streams
  • Fast turnaround times with biomedical waste processing
  • State-of-the-art materials management
  • Clear communication, at every stage of your healthcare waste management process
  • Handling efficiencies, through the use of reusable sharps, biomedical and pharmaceutical waste disposal containers
  • Consistent and competitive pricing


Local Medical Waste Disposal In Ontario!

Daniels has a local team and state-of-the-art clean processing facility based in Brampton, Ontario. From surgical centres through to long term care and multi-site hospitals – Daniels has a versatile offering that caters for the containment, transport and disposal of all healthcare generated waste streams, including biomedical waste, world-leading sharps disposal solutions via our patented sharps containers, hazardous and non-hazardous pharmaceuticals and nationally leading solutions for cytotoxic waste. Through training, education, compliance and the provision of the safest containment solutions for biomedical and biohazardous waste in Canada – Daniels is a leading healthcare waste management provider to Ontario based healthcare facilities.


Safe and compliant disposal of your biomedical, pharmaceutical and sharps waste.

As your biomedical waste disposal provider, all of our services are managed internally, meaning we handle every aspect of your biomedical waste’s journey. Our own trucks attend to your scheduled pickups and there are no third party treatment plants. You also have peace of mind knowing that we have all the adequate insurances in place and implement impeccable record keeping of your healthcare waste to destruction.

Daniels Health understands the needs of healthcare facilities in Ontario. Contact us and see how we can help your facility better manage biomedical and biohazardous waste disposal.

888 952 5580 Request a quote

Ontario Province Resources & Requirements

  • Ontario Ministry of the Environment

    808 Robertson St, Kenora

    ON P9N 1X9, Canada


  • Ontario Ministry of Health

    435 James St S, Thunder Bay

    ON P7E 6T1, Canada


  • Biomedical Waste Classification

    Biomedical waste refers to waste that is generated by:

    • Human anatomical waste
    • Human blood waste
    • Animal anatomical waste
    • Animal blood waste
    • Microbiology laboratory waste
    • Sharps waste
    • Cytotoxic waste
  • Storage Requirements

    Ontario requirements mandate:

    • Biomedical wastes shall be packaged in bags that are impervious to moisture and resist tearing.
    • Discarded sharps shall be segregated from other biomedical waste at the point of generation.
    • Waste containers must be labelled with the international biohazard symbol and the words “biomedical waste” or “infectious waste.”

Let's Talk!

Your time is valuable, and we don’t want to play hard to get. You can either phone us directly on the details listed on our contact page, or feel free to fill out this short form and one of our team members will get back to you as quickly as possible.