
The first clinically-engineered bagless medical waste disposal container designed to eliminate hand-contact and “touches” supported by a high-level decontamination washing process 4 times higher than CDC requirements

The Daniels Medismart system introduces a new cleanliness-driven standard of biomedical waste disposal

The lack of infection control products and processes in the healthcare waste industry amplifies infection risks to healthcare workers in what should be the “cleanest”, most “hygienic” and “contamination free” place on earth – a patient-care and healing environment.

It’s time to think differently about Hospital Medical Waste.

Daniels Medismart is Canada’s leading clinically designed medical waste disposal container for Biomedical Waste. Designed as a bagless and hands-free container, the Medismart requires no manual touch or assembly, and undergoes a sanitisation process after each fill that achieves a decontamination level four times higher than the level prescribed by the CDC.


  • Touchless. Contactless. Foot pedal Operated
  • Fully sealed once full No cardboard boxes, bag retrieval or assembly
  • Zero cross-contamination with “floor-resistant” medical waste container design
  • Leakproof and tamper-proof with inbuilt safety locks
  • Robotically sanitised to 106 bacterial load kill after each fill
  • Mobile segregation of sharp and non-sharp biomedical waste at patient bedside with mobile trolley design

Dramatically reduced infection transfer risk

Using a foot-pedal opening mechanism and bagless system means hand contact with the container is no longer required.

This no-touch alternative results in a dramatic reduction in the infection transfer risk that currently exists using standard biomedical waste containers. The Medismart reusable system ensures that once full, each container is removed from your premises, emptied, and then subjected to a rigorous 6-stage robotic wash and sanitisation process that eliminates challenge organisms, proves a 106 Log reduction in bacterial load and decontaminates to a level 4 times higher than required by the CDC.

The Daniels Medismart

is the industry’s first infection-prevention designed solution for biomedical waste containment. Prioritising cleanliness, its unique features include:


    Daniels’ accessories facilitate hands-free disposal into the Medismart in a single foot action; in use and in transport the manual touching and handling of Biomedical waste is eliminated.


    The Medismart does not require bags or secondary packaging and can be securely locked when full, thereby reducing labour, cross-contamination and waste handling risks.


    Once full, the Medismart is transported to a Daniels facility and washed to a level of decontamination 4 times higher than required by the CDC, eliminating dirt residue and contaminants.


    Daniels’ accessories are designed to automate secure soft-sound closure of the container lid once the foot-pedal is released, no touch required, no odours or unsightly waste in full view!

Reduce your Costs

We place Safety and Cleanliness First.

Founded as a safety innovation company, our touchless containers and risk-minimising innovation has radically shaped hospital waste management across some of the world’s leading healthcare brands. Led by science with products designed in partnership with clinicians – Daniels containers lead the world in best practice waste containment.

Let’s Talk!

Your time is valuable, and we don’t want to play hard to get. You can either phone us directly on the details listed on our contact page, or feel free to fill out this short form and one of our team members will get back to you as quickly as possible.