Sharpsmart Sharps Containers: Impact on Emissions & Injuries
A 12 month study determining the effect of the Sharpsmart on greenhouse gas emissions and sharps injuries at the 500 bed Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust Hospital.

Sharpsmart: 28% Waste Reduction After Introducing Reusables
The 11 hospital study elaborates on the benefits of using a reusable sharps container rather and concludes that a hospital achieved a 28% waste reduction with Sharpsmart.

Medismart Safety Cost Volume Impact
A 3 year study examining the impact of transitioning from a 240 Litre bin to a Daniels M64 Medismart.

Biomedical Waste: Safety, Environmental, and Waste Improvements
This article studies the impact of the Medismart on patient care, infection risk, and waste volumes across several UK hospitals.

Sharpsmart: 90% Decrease in CO2 Emissions
The assessment study, ‘Reusable Sharps Containers help Chesterfield Royal Cut Related CO2 Emissions by 90%’ was conducted to determine the impact on CO2 emissions from using the Sharpsmart containers.

Sharpsmart Sharps Container 28% Waste Reduction
A study examining the impact of 103 hospitals converting from disposable sharps containers to the Sharpsmart in terms of waste reduction and reduction in container exchange labour.

Sharpsmart: Reduction in Sharps Injuries, Costs, and CO2 Emissions
This article explores the positive impacts that the Sharpsmart system had on a 400 bed small acute trust, including a reduction in sharps injuries, a reduction in their carbon footprint, and cost and time savings for staff.