Sharpsmart Sharps Containers: Impact on Emissions & Injuries
A 12 month study determining the effect of the Sharpsmart on greenhouse gas emissions and sharps injuries at the 500 bed Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust Hospital.

Sharpsmart: Impact of Engineering on Sharps Injuries
A 2 year, 28 hospital before-and-after study comparing sharps injuries in hospitals that converted to Daniels reusable system to those who did not.

Sharpsmart: 28% Waste Reduction After Introducing Reusables
The 11 hospital study elaborates on the benefits of using a reusable sharps container rather and concludes that a hospital achieved a 28% waste reduction with Sharpsmart.

Medismart Safety Cost Volume Impact
A 3 year study examining the impact of transitioning from a 240 Litre bin to a Daniels M64 Medismart.

Reusable Sharps Containers Improve Staff and Environmental Safety
This paper analyses Methodist Medical Center’s decision to use a reusable containment system for biomedical waste in 2005.

Sharpsmart: Reusable Sharps Containers Assist in Cutting Carbon
This 12-month study across 10 UK hospitals proves that the introduction of Sharpsmart collectors decreased the average sharps waste and CO2 emissions.

The Historical Trends and Improvements in SI
This article glances at the history behind sharps injuries and how it has been improved with industry standards and container manufacturing.

Biomedical Waste: Safety, Environmental, and Waste Improvements
This article studies the impact of the Medismart on patient care, infection risk, and waste volumes across several UK hospitals.

The Widespread Movement to Reusable Sharps Containers
This paper acknowledges the significant impact that reusable containers have had on healthcare facilities and discusses the growth of the market.

Sharpsmart: 90% Decrease in CO2 Emissions
The assessment study, ‘Reusable Sharps Containers help Chesterfield Royal Cut Related CO2 Emissions by 90%’ was conducted to determine the impact on CO2 emissions from using the Sharpsmart containers.

Sharpsmart Sharps Container 28% Waste Reduction
A study examining the impact of 103 hospitals converting from disposable sharps containers to the Sharpsmart in terms of waste reduction and reduction in container exchange labour.

The Microbiology Behind Reusable Containers in Hospitals
The paper delves into the microbiology behind reusable biomedical containers and provides information on the decontamination efficacy and risks for the hospital environment.