How to Handle Hazardous Waste Disposal in Medical Settings
What does the hazardous waste stream look like in medical settings in Canada? What steps can help keep a healthcare facility in compliance with Canadian laws?

What Does the Journey of a Container through Your Facility Look Like?
How can you make every step of a medical waste container’s journey in a healthcare setting safe, efficient and user-friendly? Let’s take a tour.

Waste Management Solutions for Universities and Labs
Universities and labs face a wide range of waste management issues. Learn how to alleviate challenges with innovative disposal solutions.

How to Efficiently Move Waste Through Your Hospital
There are numerous challenges for hospital staff who need to move medical waste through the hospital, but there are solutions that can help make it safer.

Waste Management Solutions for Med Spas
It’s essential that med spas follow best practices when it comes to the disposal of medical waste and sharps

Best Practices for Surgical Waste Disposal
Operating rooms require their own unique solutions for medical waste. Learn how waste disposal can be optimised for maximum safety and efficiency.

What Makes the Sharpsmart Container Safe?
Designs and components of medical containers and their disposal processes have come a long way, and one of the leaders in sharps medical waste disposal is the Sharpsmart reusable and sustainable sharps container.

Case Study: 28 Hospital Before and After
The implementation of Daniels Sharpsmart device reduces sharps injuries across 14 hospitals that converted to our sharps safety device.

Medical Waste doesn’t have to be ugly
Medical waste and sharps containers can attractively fit into retail environments, providing safe disposal for med spas, tattoo parlors and dental offices.

How Reusable Containers Can Reduce Infection Risks
Safety and infection control are a priority, and our containers can help reduce the risk of infection transmission as well as sharps injuries – a primary cause of healthcare-related bloodborne pathogen infections.

How to Eliminate Sharps Containers Overfilling
In busy healthcare settings across Canada, sharps containers continuously overfill. But there’s an easy solution to this problem that often wastes time and money.

Biomedical Waste Management Tips and Guidelines for Langley, British Columbia
It’s important for Langley healthcare to follow these biomedical waste guidelines.