Animal Anatomical Waste - Pail

What can be disposed of in an animal anatomical waste pail? Designed with simple how-to illustrations, this education poster clearly outlines what can and cannot be disposed of in a red animal-designated anatomical waste pail.

Anatomical Waste - Pail

What can be disposed of in an anatomical waste pail? Designed with simple how-to illustrations, this education poster clearly outlines what can and cannot be disposed of in a red anatomical waste pail.

Animal Anatomical Waste Box Disposal

What can be disposed of in an animal anatomical waste cardboard box? Designed with simple how-to illustrations, this education poster clearly outlines what can and cannot be disposed of in a bag-lined animal-designated anatomical waste box..

Anatomical Waste Disposal

What waste can be disposed of in an anatomical waste cardboard box? This simple illustrative poster defines what can and cannot be disposed of in a red-bag lined cardboard box designated for anatomical waste. 

Anatomical Waste Disposal in a Fibre Drum

What can be disposed of in an anatomical waste fiber drum? Designed with simple how-to illustrations, this education poster clearly outlines what can and cannot be disposed of in a bag-lined anatomical waste fibre dum. 

To achieve positive adoption of a new product or service, one of the most critical components for both the customer and vendor is a successful partnership during the deployment and implementation phase. Working with thousands of public and private healthcare facilities around the world, our implementation approach is dedicated to facility-specific planning, clear communications and education facilitation, and the establishing of mutually agreed KPI’s and timelines to ensure our definitions of success are aligned and the rollout of a new program poses minimal impact to patient care.  

Animal Anatomical Waste Disposal in a Fiber Drum

What can be disposed of in an animal anatomical waste Fiber Drum? Designed with simple how-to illustrations, this education poster clearly outlines what can and cannot be disposed of in an animal-designated anatomical waste fiber drum. 

Meet Our Team: Celebrating Customer Service Week 2019

Meet Our Team: Celebrating Customer Service Week 2019

C-Diff Transmission Potential with Sharps Containers

C-Diff Transmission Potential with Sharps Containers


Authors:   Grimmond T, Neelakanta A, Miller B, Saiyed A, Gill P, Cadnum J, Olmsted R, Donskey C, Pate K, Miller K

PR Study: Clostridium Difficile Root

PR Study: Clostridium Difficile Root