
How to Eliminate Sharps Containers Overfilling

In busy healthcare settings across Canada, sharps containers continuously overfill. But there’s an easy solution to this problem that often wastes time and money.


Sharps Injuries: What to do if You're Stuck

Knowing what to do if you sustain a sharps injury at work is crucial to getting the wound treated and recorded.


Controlled Substance Disposal in Canada

Proper, safe, and compliant destruction of controlled substances is essential.


What Happens to Surgical Waste?

Surgical waste can have a detrimental effect on others so it's important to know how to dispose of properly.


Best Practices for Hand Sanitizer Disposal

There are a few things to keep in mind about your hand sanitizer and how to properly dispose of it.


What is Considered Hazardous Waste in the Dental Office?

Healthcare waste from dental offices should be dealt with like any other medical waste stream, especially as it relates to identifying and segregating between non-hazardous and hazardous waste.


The Sustainable Benefits of Reusable Containers in Healthcare

Learn more about reusable containers and how they improve safety in your facility and reduce your environmental impact.


How Do You Dispose of Sharps Waste?

Knowing how to safely and compliantly dispose of sharps waste is essential for all healthcare facilities, medical providers, and many other businesses.


What Goes in a Pharmaceutical Waste Container?

It's important to know where to find the laws for pharmaceutical waste disposal.


What Is Pharmaceutical Waste?

Knowledge of different pharmaceutical waste classifications and their disposal processes ensures compliance and reduces the risk of exposure to human health or the environment.


What Is Anatomical Waste?

Following standard operating procedures as well as guidelines provided by regulatory authorities is essential in properly handling and disposing of anatomical waste.


Strategies to Reverse a Worrying Rise in Needlestick Injuries

There is an increased need for improved safety standards and awareness of the risks associated with BBFE incidences.